In this guide, we will look at how to register and consume webhooks to integrate your app with Lightfunnels. With webhooks, your app can know when something happens in Lightfunnels, such as when a new order is created.
Registering webhooks
To register a new webhook, you need to have a URL in your app that Lightfunnels can call. You can configure a new webhook using the following GraphQL mutation:
GraphQL Query
# Query
mutation CreateWebhookMutation($node: WebhookInput!) {
createWebhook(node: $node) {
input WebhookInput {
type: String!
url: String!
version: WebhookVersion
settings: WebhookSettings!
scalar WebhookSettings = {
segments_uids?: string[] | undefined;
enum WebhookVersion {
GraphQL Variables
"node": {
"type": "order/confirmed",
"url": "https://yourapp.com/webhooks/order-created/{{account-id}}",
"settings": {}
The type
property refers to the event that you would like to listen to. Refer to event types for a list of available events.
Note that in the above, we pass the account ID
to the URL so your app knows to which account the webhook call corresponds to. This refers to the ID of the account in your own database.
In this example, we used the order/confirmed
event. Now, whenever a new order is made, a webhook is fired off and your app receives all the information related to the new order. In the next section, we'll look at how to consume webhooks.
Consuming webhooks
When your app receives a webhook request from Lightfunnels, you should verify the authenticity of the request by validating the lightfunnels-hmac
property from the header using your client secret
Here is an exampe code on how to authenticate the request using Note.js.
import crypto from "crypto";
// This is an example of a webhook handler implemented in Node.js
const webhookHandler = async (req, res) => {
try {
if (!await verifyWebhook(req)) {
return res.status(403).send("Invalid webhook");
// Webhook is valid, continue with your logic here
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).send("Internal server error");
// This function verifies the webhook using the lightfunnels-hmac header
const verifyWebhook = async (req) => {
// calculate the hmac
const localyCalculatedHmac = crypto
.createHmac("sha256", process.env.LF_APP_SECRET)
.update(JSON.stringify(req.body), "utf8")
// check if the hmac is the same as the one in the lightfunnels-hmac header
const hmac = req.headers["lightfunnels-hmac"];
if(localyCalculatedHmac != hmac){
// this webhook is fishy, abort!
return false;
return true;
Deleting webhooks
When your app no longer needs to receive a specefic webhook, you can delete it by its unique ID. This mutation permanently removes the specified webhook from Lightfunnels, preventing any further events from triggering it.
GraphQL Mutation
mutation webhooksDeleteMutation($id: ID!){
deleteWebhook(id: $id)
Variables object will contain only the webhook id, here is an example:
GraphQL Variables
"id": "webhook_id"
It will return the deleted webhook ID if the mutation was executed successfully, here is an example:
GraphQL Response
"data": {
"deleteWebhook" : "webhook_id"
Event Types
Here are all the event types.
, order/confirmed
, order/fulfilled
, order/cancelled
, order/uncancelled
, order/refunded
, order-item/created
, order/updated
, payment/created
, payment/paid
, contact-form/created
, contact/signup
, contact/updated
, checkout/created
, checkout/updated
, product/updated
, product/created
, product/deleted
, funnel/created
, funnel/updated
, funnel/deleted
, app/uninstalled
Order events
- Name
New order
- Type
- order/created
- Description
This webhook is fired as soon as an order is created. Note that this may not include all items as it's fired before the customer is done purchasing the upsells & downsells.
- Name
Order confirmation sent
- Type
- order/confirmed
- Description
This webhook is useful for getting all the order information including the upsells and downsells once the customer is done purchasing.
- Name
Order fulfillment update
- Type
- order/fulfilled
- Description
This webhook is fired when the order fulfillment status is updated.
- Name
Order cancelled
- Type
- order/cancelled
- Description
This webhook is fired when the order is cancelled.
- Name
Order uncancelled
- Type
- order/uncancelled
- Description
This webhook is fired when the order is uncancelled.
- Name
Order refunded
- Type
- order/refunded
- Description
This webhook is fired when the order is refunded.
- Name
Order item created
- Type
- order-item/created
- Description
This webhook is fired when the order item is created.
- Name
Order updated
- Type
- order/updated
- Description
This webhook is triggered whenever an update occurs on an order within the platform. It captures a wide range of modifications, including changes to tags, notes, items, refunds, cancellations, or marking an order as paid. Because this webhook is general, it provides notification of updates without specifying the exact nature of the change. To monitor specific order events, consider using the above webhooks.
Order created/confirmed payload
"node": {
"id": "order_qa6C9z7NCHScxJoewz8xK",
"_id": 2554132,
"name": "7799",
"tags": [],
"test": true,
"email": "test@lightfunnels.com",
"items": [
"id": "vars__DY-kzRSBh_2A3d38kZE7",
"_id": 3050394,
"sku": "",
"image": null,
"price": 35,
"title": "Updated Product",
"carrier": "",
"options": [],
"refund_id": null,
"__typename": "VariantSnapshot",
"payment_id": "pay_KvHYIzSxNZWnA2XRpHQnF",
"product_id": "prod_L8WGlMDUfgM6LAivoCZhv",
"removed_at": null,
"variant_id": "var_nG3DGrAyPlG2VYqiv2reY",
"tracking_link": null,
"custom_options": [],
"customer_files": [],
"tracking_number": null,
"fulfillment_status": "none"
"notes": "",
"phone": "",
"total": 35,
"custom": {},
"currency": "GBP",
"funnel_id": "fun_IuDsIzSnQiNA2XOpmS",
"store_id": "store_89QSjazAzPmsUhsIQSNs",
"customer": {
"id": "cus_GsGlWiz-Tp1zRTOJf7Dkp",
"avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/402c2d5ecacd869e2b977a4f4584d3fa",
"location": "US, random city",
"full_name": "Tester Test"
"payments": [
"id": "pay_KvHYIzSxNZWnA2XRpHQnF",
"_id": 2498721,
"total": 35,
"source": {
"payment_gateway": {
"prototype": {
"key": "cod"
"refunds": [],
"refunded": 0,
"sub_total": 35,
"created_at": "a few seconds ago",
"refundable": 0,
"discount_snapshot": null,
"price_bundle_snapshot": []
"shipping": 0,
"subtotal": 35,
"__typename": "Order",
"account_id": "acc_o5C60ZEzUTDmfB8WXSxnK",
"created_at": "2024-03-18 14:20:37",
"refundable": 0,
"archived_at": null,
"net_payment": 0,
"cancelled_at": null,
"client_details": {
"ip": ""
"discount_value": 0,
"original_total": 35,
"billing_address": {
"zip": "10000",
"area": "",
"city": "random city",
"email": "test@lightfunnels.com",
"line1": "random address",
"line2": "",
"phone": "",
"state": "random state",
"country": "US",
"last_name": "Test",
"first_name": "Tester"
"refunded_amount": 0,
"paid_by_customer": 0,
"shipping_address": {
"zip": "10000",
"area": "",
"city": "random city",
"email": "test@lightfunnels.com",
"line1": "random address",
"line2": "",
"phone": "",
"state": "random state",
"country": "US",
"last_name": "Test",
"first_name": "Tester"
"shipping_discount": 0,
"bundle_discount_value": 0,
"normal_discount_value": 0
Payment events
- Name
New payment
- Type
- payment/created
- Description
A new payment was created.
- Name
Paid payment
- Type
- payment/paid
- Description
Paid payment.
Payment payload
"node": {
"id": "pay_fMQN57XdoYOjvy_2m3wfn",
"items": [
"id": "vars_MW2k2nbw4q-nlfRUfYgCO",
"_id": 3050426,
"sku": "",
"image": null,
"price": 35,
"title": "Test Product",
"carrier": "",
"options": [],
"refund_id": null,
"__typename": "VariantSnapshot",
"payment_id": "pay_fMQN57XdoYOjvy_2m3wfn",
"product_id": "prod_L8WGlMDUfgM6LAivoCZhv",
"removed_at": null,
"variant_id": "var_nG3DGrAyPlG2VYqiv2reY",
"tracking_link": "",
"custom_options": [],
"customer_files": [],
"tracking_number": "",
"fulfillment_status": "fulfilled"
Contact events
- Name
New contact form
- Type
- contact-form/created
- Description
A new contact form was created.
Contact form payload
"custom": {},
"message": "Message goes here",
"subject": "Subject goes here",
"email": "no-reply@lightfunnels.com",
"first_name": "Elhanan",
"last_name": "Aljoša"
- Name
New signup created
- Type
- contact/signup
- Description
A new sign up was made.
- Name
Contact updated
- Type
- contact/updated
- Description
An existing customer was updated.
Customer payload
"node": {
"id": "cus_iH3ipbK4yMPPcnKudRRvb",
"tags": [],
"email": "Test@lightfunnels.com",
"leads": [],
"notes": null,
"phone": "",
"avatar": "//www.gravatar.com/avatar/9a7fcb37672ee218b4fc41bba4f7ad8c",
"custom": {},
"location": "",
"full_name": "Random Buyer",
"last_name": "Buyer",
"__typename": "Customer",
"first_name": "Random",
"billing_address": {
"zip": "",
"area": "",
"city": "",
"email": "",
"line1": "",
"line2": "",
"phone": "",
"state": "",
"country": null,
"last_name": "",
"first_name": ""
"shipping_address": {
"zip": "",
"area": "",
"city": "",
"email": "",
"line1": "",
"line2": "",
"phone": "",
"state": "",
"country": null,
"last_name": "",
"first_name": ""
"accepts_marketing": false
Checkout events
- Name
New checkout
- Type
- checkout/created
- Description
A new checkout was created.
- Name
Checkout updated
- Type
- checkout/updated
- Description
An existing checkout was updated.
Checkout payload
"id": "ch_AfZvYYNDSXdWeXmqKig1C"
Product events
- Name
Product updated
- Type
- product/updated
- Description
An existing product was updated.
- Name
Product created
- Type
- product/created
- Description
A new product form was created.
Product created/updated payload
"id": "prod_tXbZBX43K2pBrmJ9UWTUf",
"title": "My really great product",
"description": "My product description"
- Name
Delete product
- Type
- product/deleted
- Description
A product was successfully deleted.
Product deleted payload
"id": "prod_tXbZBX43K2pBrmJ9UWTUf",
Funnel events
- Name
Update funnel
- Type
- funnel/updated
- Description
An existing funnel was updated.
- Name
Create funnel
- Type
- funnel/created
- Description
A new funnel was created.
- Name
Delete funnel
- Type
- funnel/deleted
- Description
A funnel was successfully deleted.
Funnel payload
"id": "fun_KpLWLA-B1QAWKfYj9ZOsz"
App events
- Name
Uninstall app
- Type
- app/uninstalled
- Description
An app was successfully uninstalled.
App payload
"id": "id of the account that uninstalled the app"